How Many Pages Do I Really Need?

How many website pages do you need

This is something we get asked a lot. Rather that giving you a lot of techno babble, SEO tips etc, lets keep it simple.

From a website structure of view every business no matter how big or small needs at least 5 pages. This not only allows the website to be structured in a way that your customers can follow, but it enables you to build your business online in a simple step by step process.

In reality, the pages you need on your website cover the basic information we speak to our potential customers about – it is the Welcome, Who We Are, What We Do, Why Choose Us and Contact Us.

1. Home Page
This is the main sales and marketing page. We welcome your site visitors to your website and overview your services.

2. About Us Page
This is when you set your credentials and experience. However, it is also a perfect place to talk about how you will help them and to re-enforce the benefits of doing business with you.

3. Products/Services Page
This is where you detail what you can do for your customers. This can be expanded as your expand your online presence. The key point here is to remember that if you’re a small business you’re going to need to show your value by demonstrating exactly what you offer and how your business does it well.

4. Testimonials Page
The rest of the website is what you can do for your customers. This page is about letter others speak on your behalf, giving testimony on how your were able to look after them.

5. Contact us Page
Nice easy contact details and an email form for your clients to use. I would recommend against just listing your email address, as it invites spam!

Other pages to consider would be portfolio of your work and also a case study on how you were able to really help a customer achieve their goal!