Any Given Tuesday

The Client

Any Given Tuesday creates powerful spoken word content for female entrepreneurs, experts and difference makers to ensure they are seen, heard, remembered AND paid. Providing courses and training programs, Any Given Tuesday grants access to practical frameworks and unique insights from teaching people to speak, pitch, sell and negotiate.

Scorched Media Portfolio - Any Given Tuesday


This website delivers a modern design, which is fully responsive to enhance user experience (UX) It uses full-size hero photos to engage with the site visitor, with callout text to enhance site visitor engagement together with SEO benefits. Podcast integration also makes it easy for site visitors to listen and subscribe using their favourite podcast app.

The website is also fully integrated with their CRM platform, enabling seamless data sharing between the two.


  • Website Design

  • SEO

Web Design


Hands up if you have a web developer disaster story?

Here is my simple truth. Having owned or lead businesses since the early 2000’s, I have had a lot of people build me a lot of websites & until early 2021 when we went to build out the Any Given Tuesday website, I had literally never, ever had an issue with how my sites looked, their performance, how they were managed.

Until I met the agency who built out the first version of Any Given Tuesday.

For just over two years we lived with a website without SEO, that was not the design we signed off on, that was not able to be updated – not just by us but by anyone who got into the backend – which did not reflect the work we do and with copy that was self indulgent

For most of that two years I have reached out to other agencies & developers to get them to help me. I was SO burned I stuck purely to referrals. Every single one of them were excited, confident, & wanted to work with us. Every single one of them, once in the backend, walked away from the work. Some even ghosted us. Even after contracts were signed & deposits paid.

In desperation one Sunday night I poured a glass of wine, sat at my kitchen bench & opened my laptop determined to create a shortlist of at least 3 people I could reach out to finally, once and for all, get our website fixed.  We had major events coming up & programs launching & I was sick and tired of not being able to do them well through our own site.

I shortlisted two. One of them got my attention. They were in the same suburb as our office. And they listed the mobile number of the owner. I was deadly curious.

So the next day I rang Darren Brown from Scorched Media Web Design and we spoke as we were both driving between appointments. Not only was he confident he could fix whatever was going on, he also said he could do it in the four weeks I wanted it done to be ready for a major event.

The more the Scorched Media team got into the more they felt like turning us into a case study. Every single part of what had been created in our website back end was wrong, often indecipherable & beyond belief.

But this team did not give up.

They kept going. Their communication was extraordinary. We didn’t lose any time ‘live’. They broke it all, fixed it, broke it again, and then made it wonderful. They’ve trained my team & my team are ecstatic. And the best part? The delivered it AHEAD of the promised time to ensure we could test every bit of it before our major event.

Phase one, to simply be operational is complete. And over the months to come we will continue to work with the Scorched Media team to strengthen what we have & how we use it, and for the first time in a long time I feel confident that the foundational structure we need for our digital footprint is something we can rely on.

I literally do not have enough words to express my gratitude to Darren & his team & I could not push you hard enough or fast enough to engage them for anything digital.

Ready to Talk?

We’d love to help you with your next project!