7 Proven Strategies to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

7 ways to drive traffic to your website

No matter if you are just about to launch a shiny new website or if the site has been around for a while, driving traffic to your website is the biggest concern and priority for most businesses. More traffic means more potential customers, increased brand visibility, and, ultimately, higher revenue. But with thousands of websites launched daily, how can you make yours stand out?

Here are seven proven strategies to attract and retain more visitors to your website.

Quality Content:

Content is king. You’ve heard us say this more than once. You need to get your site visitors’ attention immediately to stop them from just clicking off to another website and keep them on your website; you will need to create high-quality, engaging and, most importantly, relevant content. This can be achieved by making more in-depth content, videos, and, dare we say it – a blog. The use of infographics can assist as well. These options are all effective ways to share your knowledge, establish your brand as an authority, and give visitors a reason to stay on your site longer.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO):

You are leaving money on the table and missing out on organic traffic to your website if you still need SEO blended into your website. Our recent Common Mistakes blog post covered strategies to avoid turning visitors away, like optimising your website for relevant keywords, maintaining good page loading speed, ensuring your site is mobile-friendly, and creating SEO-friendly URLs. Remember on-page SEO elements like meta descriptions, headers, and alt text for images.

Social Media:

If your business is not active on Social Media, it’s time you join in! Implementing a Social Media marketing strategy where you leverage the power of social media allows you to reach a much wider audience, mostly untapped. So what do you need to do? Social Media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram are a great place to start, ensuring you add a link to your website. This will encourage audience engagement by responding to their comments and creating a community around your brand. Got your social media campaign solved but don’t have a website….then read Why you need a website, not just Social Media.

Email Marketing:

I know right. The amount of spam emails we all receive is enough to turn anyone off. But never underestimate the power of a well-crafted newsletter to your existing clients. Maintaining a current customer email list and sending out regular newsletters is a proven way to drive consistent traffic to your website. Put yourself in your customer’s shoes and provide value in each email. Don’t bombard their inbox, or they will likely “unsubscribe”. Most importantly, ensure your email directs readers back to your site. There are many great tools out there that you can use, for example, MailChimp and HubSpot.

Guest Posting and Collaborations:

Offering to write guest posts for other relevant blogs or collaborating with influencers in your industry shows endorsement and trust by these parties, which will likely introduce your brand to a whole new audience. As you will be associated with each other, choose reputable sites for guest posting. Don’t forget to always include a link back to your website.

Use a Website Analytics Tool.

Understanding your website’s performance is crucial to improve and adjusting your strategies. Use your tool(s) of choice to track your website traffic, identify which content is performing best, understand where your visitors are coming from, and discover opportunities for improvement. At Scorched Media, we use a suite of different available tools to help our customers.

Invest in Pay per Click (PPC) Advertising:

If your budget allows, then paid advertising can effectively drive traffic to your website quickly. You may have heard of Google AdWords or Facebook Ads, which are platforms that will enable you to target specific demographics and reach potential customers who are likely to be interested in your products or services. Bear in mind though, once you turn of your PPC campaign, your website visibility will drop if you don’t have a quality search ranking with Google, Bing etc.

Driving more traffic to your website involves many concurrent strategies. Combining high-quality content, SEO, social media marketing, email marketing, collaborations, analytics, and paid advertising can attract and retain more visitors and ultimately drive your brand’s digital success.

Remember attracting traffic to your website is just the first step. You must also provide a great website with an excellent user experience to convert these visitors into loyal customers.