Plan For Success

Successful websites have a plan in place on how to interact with visitors

Great websites don’t “just happen.” They are the result of good design and site principles, which make it easy for your visitors to find what they are looking for.

So, the success of your website is directly related to how well your site is planned, so this means laying the groundwork first.

To effectively reach and hold your audience, your website needs to be:

  • Targeted to your audience
  • Researched
  • Presented
  • Structured
  • Marketed
  • Tested, and
  • Maintained and updated

Understand the real objectives of your website:

  • How does the current business environment impact on your customers?
  • Customer interactions – What do you want them to do on your site?
  • Marketing strategies – Tie in your offline marketing to your website.
  • Online Business Plan – You wouldn’t run a business without a business plan and you site should be no different.

Pay close attention to:

  • Site Structure
  • Ease of Navigation
  • Download performance
  • Well designed layout, and
  • Compelling Content

Therefore to obtain the optimal returns from your online strategy, be specific about what you are trying to achieve from implementing a website.

By do this, the payoff will be a well thought out website that encourages your site visitors to spend time on your website and take the actions you want them to!